Al Madinah
Destinations / The Blessed Rawdah

The Blessed Rawdah

The Blessed Rawdah: it is paradise on earth, where an exhausted person finds serenity and peace. Here you can hear the moans and sense the sincere hopes of people at prayer.

A Garden from Paradise:

The Blessed Rawdah is part of the Prophet’s Mosque. It is located at the front of the mosque and extends from the Prophet's house (the Blessed Chamber) to his pulpit. The Prophet says, "Between my house and my pulpit is a meadow of the Paradise."

Acts of worship, such as prayer, supplication, remembrance, reciting the Qur’an, etc. are prescribed in this blessed spot.


The distance between the pulpit and the blessed chamber is about 26.5 meters. The yellow copper enclosure around the Blessed Chamber obscures part of the Rawdah behind the chamber. So, excluding the detached part, the Rawdah from the pulpit to the copper enclosure is 22 meters long and 15 meters wide.

Landmarks at the Edges of the Rawdah:

1. The Prophet's Pulpit is to the west of the Prophet's mihrab, and has been changed many times. The current pulpit dates back to 998 AH and has twelve steps.

2. The Prophet’s Mihrab is the place where the Prophet (ﷺ) used to stand and lead the Muslims in prayer. The current structure of the mihrab dates back to 888 AH. It was renovated during the reign of King Fahd in 1404 AH.

3. The Columns are pillars on which the ceiling of the Rawdah rests. In the Prophet's lifetime, they were made of palm trunks. Each column is linked to some historical and Islamic events.

4. The Blessed Chamber is the house of the Prophet (ﷺ) where he lived with the Mother of the Believers, Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her.

Saudi Care for the Blessed Rawdah:

The government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has taken care of the Blessed Rawdah. Examples of the constant care are coating the pulpit with liquid gold when necessary, and placing transparent film on it to protect it from touching.

It also restored and decorated the mihrab, supported it from the inside with reinforced concrete and covered it from the outside with marble. The two columns in the facade of the mihrab were also replaced with two columns of Pakistani inox marble, and the calligraphic mural board behind the mihrab was renewed with the date of renewal added.

The columns in the Rawdah were covered with white marble to make them distinct from the rest of the mosque's columns. The Rawdah floor was covered with luxurious carpets.

The utmost attention was paid to the Blessed Chamber and the Green Dome. Due respect is paid in maintenance works on this site, with the task entrusted to those whose religious observance and honesty can be trusted.

How to Visit the Rawdah:

Reservations are made through the official applications (Tawakkalna) and (Nusuk), setting the day and time of the visit.

Visitors of the Rawdah shall be calm, dignified and kind to Muslims, especially the elderly because jostling them is contrary to the sanctity of the Prophet’s Mosque, and "a Muslim is the one from whose tongue and hand Muslims are safe."

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